2/26/16 Update
Things are rolling right along! Cassie and Lori stopped by the building today to see the progress, discuss schematics of the office layout, and meet with Steve and Renee Marley to arrange for painting the arena. Most of the negotiated work is complete inside, with the exception of some finishing touches in the new classroom, repairs to the concrete, and the installment of 2 new exterior doors. The turf has been ordered and will hopefully be delivered and installed within 3 weeks
Here are some photos:
Views of the office with the new window and door into the classroom.

Panoramic view of the classroom/crating area.

The bathrooms look much nicer with some fresh paint!

Marley Painting already started painting the cupboards in the Hospitality room!

Hi Steve!!!

Repairing some of the patches in the concrete so it will be nice and smooth when the turf is over it!

The "decorations" on the wall are covered and ready for a new coat of paint!

Hmm, we will have to find a nice spot to hang this!