All Star Dog Sports- The Journey Begins!
We are so very excited to announce All Star Dog Sports, a joint venture between Cassie Schmidt and Lori Michaels to provide the KC Metro and surrounding areas with a premier agility training and trialing facility.
The lease for the building was signed today and they are already working to make the negotiated improvements to the building before we take occupation to install the turf! Here are a few "before" photos of our future home:

Exterior of the building showing the entrance. Reception, restrooms, classroom, hospitality and crating rooms are up front with the main arena in the rear.

Reception/office area view from the hallway. Building entrance is to the left and doorway to training area to the right.

View down the hallway. 3 restrooms and a storage room on the right. Hospitality room at the end of the hallway.

Crating/staging. Part of this wall will be moved out to the post to make one large room for obedience classes and private training.

The 100 X 105' training area. There are 3 posts in the middle (they will be padded), so the ring can be divided to hold multiple evening classes. We love that there is plenty of lighting! The walls, however, will get some sprucing up.

This facility used to be a gymnastics center so the first improvement to be started is filling in the foam pit!
We are so happy to share our journey with you! Stay tuned for more photos and updates.